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  • Updated: May 2, 2014
  • Views: 9,175 views

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How can I generate a PDF datasheet?

Follow the steps listed below to generate a PDF datasheet:

  1. Make sure that you are in the dialog area 3D CAD CATALOGS and select the desired catalog. 
  2. At directory level  select product groups as long as a concrete assembly  or concrete single part  has been specified. 

    -> As soon as a concrete row has been determined, a 3D view and dimensional drawings are loaded under CAD model preview
  3. Under Actions, click on Generate PDF datasheet

  4. The information dialog Generation CAD models opens. 


    If the CAD model shall be generated in several formats under Format selection there is the possibility to choose the format PDF Datasheet additionally. By holding down the CTRL key, you can make multiple selections.


  5. Under Actions, click on Generate CAD model.

  6. The information dialog Generating CAD models opens.  

    -> The generation was started.

    The following symbols show the generation status:

    Active generation

    Generation erroneous

    Generation successfull. Part ready for download.


    The pregenerated 3D PDF corresponds to a sample part (created for a mid-row with standard setting) and may differ from your selected part.